Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Blog Entry #2

Rory Sutherland’s “Life Lessons from an Ad Man”

As Rory Sutherland describes normal steps he sees in advertisement and reasons for advertisements portraying what they say. Rory said social media has potential to add value to something and I agree with that. If someone sees a star wearing a certain clothing brand, people are more likely to want to wear that clothing brand, thus making that clothing brand worth more. This is the rhetoric tools of Pathos because the clothing brand uses star appeal to help get their name out.

Rory mentioned interface in his video and is true too. He talks about examples of this in his video like the potato having one way where it failed because it was not presented in the right way, and the way where the potato was made into a very common food in Germany. Interface also affects the way people experience web based writing because if a website does not attract the reader, then they’re less likely to talk about the site and they won’t be spreading the word making less people hear about the site.

After watching this video, I learned a couple of things about rhetorical strategies used in advertising. One example is making something that you are arguing against, and make it go hand in hand with something that the general public does not like. Rory mentions an example like Turkey trying to stop people from wearing the veil by relating it to prostitutes. Another example that Rory referred to was ads that think outside the box to give something a new look. An example was Shreddies stopped advertising their cereal pieces as squares and started showing them as diamonds and did not change anything about the cereal at all.

Rory Sutherland’s video, “Life lessons from an ad man.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXneozZwJR0

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